Post Pregnancy Fear :(

 How to Increase Hemoglobin within 2 Months

Hello My Lovely Reader i came up with another post for you all and seriously this is very very useful how to increase blood level within a month. Always kip on mind that we should have more then 10 hgb (HEMOGLOBIN) in our body as per my knowledge.                      
            So How & What Questions will arrived??

So Guys come with me lets go to the KITCHEN and here we got pomegranate beetroot and carrot
I hope we all know advantages, benefits of pomegranate,beetroot and carrot so i don't want to give brief on this so without wasting your time let get started because for me your time is very precious, so make a daily Routine as Morning & Evening.

These 3 home remedies will help you to increase blood in your body u don't believe just follow this steps its really works and see the results My Personal opinion iam going to tell you please be there till end. 

Morning  u can take 1/2 pomegranate after having your breakfast daily don't skip make it habbit.
Evening u can take carrots and beetroot make it soup and have it every evening all we heard from our elders they used to say after drinking beet juice and pomegranate it will improve blood level and help to form red blood cells so the same things happened to me.

Seriously guys u want believe i'am sharing my own EXP my blood group is A NEGATIVE and u know how rare this group is in case if any emergency u want get this matching blood at same time u have to arrange before a month. 

So gonna tell you what exactly happened with me i was totally unaware with this blood group at the time i was PREGNANT went for a monthly check up my gynecologist checked my reports and he said u are A NEGATIVE even ur report says u have 9.1 hgb in ur body it is very less u must have atleast 10/11 hgb he directly asked me do u have any donor i said NO then he said start searching person with the same blood group y because we don't have such facilities here.

 If anything goes wrong after delivery u may need blood in your body so u have to arrange,later we came home u know guys full of tension everyone got worried started calling here n there n searching person and finally by the grace of GOD we got it.

 The person who is ready to donate me his blood he is my neighbour, now we are free from huge problem and we get relieved, Ya Ya I KNOW GUYS WHAT ARE U THINKING NOW DONOR IS READY TO DONATE then there is no use of home remedies RIGHT ? Well Well let me tell you the miracle oneday we had a conversation with same topic suddenly my aunty said me to try pomegranate n beetroot with carrot soup daily for 2 month because still i have got time for delivery so i start taking as much as m trying not to carry extra blood from donator i want to try by drinking pomegranate juice & beetsoup that was in my Mind. 

 I used to go near by health center once in a weak for check up they check my hgb & pressure and u wan't believe my hgb increase in the very 1st month me n my family was so happy again i continue with taking same things after goin home. Finally my delivery date arrived i was so scared n nervous i get admitted into the hospital for my safety my parents came with my  neighbour who is going to donate me blood, operation done successfully me n baby fine we both are in good conditions and the big things is that they didn't give me any extra blood thats means i dont required i myself carried sufficient as later DR said to me,, this is how it helps me to generate extra blood.

Note: Never depend on Others try to do yourself in some case is necessary but not for every kip on mind. In case if i depend only with donor and stop following aunty guidelines then what can be caused will tel you. The person who is ready before in meanwhile he didn't came reason behind he changed his mind or he can be ill, for emergency he have to go out of station anything can happened Right so here another advantages which i follow is my aunty guideliness which is helpful to increase my hgb and eating pomegranate n drinking soup is good for skin n health also. so always be self prepared i learned from my own story. 

Guys this is my own story which i faced please please be active always be alert for everything.

                                                        Thank You!! :) ;)

P.S.: Stay tunes for many more updates n reviews.
             Please comment below for any questions and quires. 

                                       Till then Stay happy
                                                          Go Girl Beauty :)
